Iranian Hackers Target 2024 U.S. Elections, Steal Trump Campaign data, and Email Biden-Harris Associates

Iranian hackers sent stolen Trump campaign info to Biden campaign associates, FBI says

In recent developments, Iranian hackers targeted the 2024 U.S. presidential election by stealing confidential data from former President Donald Trump’s campaign. This stolen material was sent via unsolicited emails to individuals linked to the Biden-Harris campaign in June and July. These emails contained non-public information from Trump’s campaign, including internal documents. U.S. agencies, including the FBI and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), confirmed these cyber activities as part of a broader effort by Iran to interfere in U.S. elections.

The Biden-Harris campaign maintained that they were unaware of the hacked material, with a spokesperson confirming their cooperation with law enforcement. Investigators also stated that there is no evidence suggesting any response from the Biden-Harris campaign to these emails. Trump’s campaign, however, was quick to accuse Iran of attempting to support Biden and Kamala Harris in the election, citing this interference as an effort to undermine Trump’s policies, especially regarding sanctions on Iran.

This breach is part of a growing concern over foreign interference in U.S. elections, with Iran, Russia, and China actively attempting to exploit vulnerabilities to influence public opinion. The FBI continues to track these cyber activities, emphasizing the critical need for vigilance in securing the electoral process. Criminal charges against the Iranian actors responsible for the hack are reportedly being prepared by the Justice Department.

The Iranian government has denied the allegations, calling them baseless and lacking credibility. However, past incidents, including a similar interference in the 2020 election, have resulted in criminal charges against Iranian hackers for attempting to influence American voters.

This cyberattack is another chapter in the ongoing challenge of safeguarding the integrity of U.S. elections against foreign influence.

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