Maddow Blog | Rick Scott Absurdly Calls Biden’s D-Day Remarks ‘Disgusting’

President Joe Biden joined various world leaders in France yesterday to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Obviously, Senator. Rick Scott was not impressed.

After a Fox Business host accused the Democrat of “sneering shots” at Donald Trump, the Florida Republican reflected on his father’s service in World War II. before concluding:

For the record, the outgoing president did not mention his predecessor. Biden also did not refer to Republicans or any political party.

The Democrat instead emphasized a variety of core principles, including the idea that democracy is worth fighting for.

“In memory of those who fought here, died here, literally saved the world here, let us be worthy of their sacrifice,” Biden said. “Let us be the generation that, when history is written about our times – 10, 20, 30, 50, 80 years from now – will say: When the time is right, we have met the time. We remained strong. Our alliances have become stronger. And we also saved democracy in our time.

In the same remarks in Colleville-sur-Mer, the outgoing president added: “America has invested in our alliances and forged new ones – not only out of altruism but also in our own interest. America’s unique ability to bring countries together is an undeniable source of our strength and power. Isolationism was not the solution 80 years ago, and it is not the solution today. »

Biden went on to say, “We live in a time when democracy is under greater threat across the world than at any time since…these beaches were stormed in 1944. Now we have to ask ourselves: Will we oppose us? against tyranny, against evil, against the crushing brutality of the iron fist? Are we going to defend freedom? Are we going to defend democracy? Will we be united? My answer is yes. And that can only be yes.

Of course, I am aware of the circumstances. In the United States, it’s election season and the incumbent president is about to be on the ballot, which he will share with his immediate predecessor – who is increasingly brazen about his obvious affinity for authoritarians and authoritarianism. When Biden defends and celebrates democracy, his words do not exist in a political vacuum; they have a broader meaning.

But given what the Democrat actually said and the principles the president touted, if Scott sincerely found his speech “disgusting,” that says a lot more about the far-right senator than it does the president.

This article was originally published on

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