Poll rates Trump voters on diversity, slavery and same-sex marriage

Former President Donald Trump attends an Ultimate Fighting Championship event on June 1, 2024 in Newark, New Jersey. Credit – Jeff Bottari—Zuffa LLC via Getty Images

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For about half the country, former President Donald Trump’s boorish behavior is reason enough not to sign up for four more years grandiloquence to the White House. Even after his 34 crimes beliefs last week, the ex-president seemed incapable of showing contrition or remorse, and seemed ready to defy anything that went against his self-confidence. It all seems like a lot to take on, and it’s conscious.

But if you actually take a moment to study the world of Americans, particularly American voters who support Trump, you’ll quickly understand how well the billionaire reality TV star understands his base, and particularly their views of nostalgia of a past that was not the case. It’s not as “great” as they like to believe. This may seem foreign to those who support the president Joe Bidenbut it’s worth remembering that his base is just as mysterious to Trump voters.

A massive novelty survey of the Pew Research Center surveyed thousands of Americans on virtually every major culture war issue, from guns to abortion to marriage equality. Most results are exactly what you would expect. But a few responses do a particularly good job of illustrating how much of this nation of immigrants remains deeply uncomfortable with the prospect of an America that continues to change and become more diverse.

What polite society would consider far removed from acceptable rhetoric, Trump loyalists and Biden supporters view as self-evident truths. Consider the following:

  • When asked whether the decline in the proportion of white people in the total U.S. population was a good or bad thing for society, 39% of Trump supporters said it was bad. Among Biden supporters, 10% shared the same opinion.

  • Among Biden voters, 79% say the legacy of slavery still affects Black people, while only 27% of Trump supporters agree.

  • A decade after the Supreme Court extended marriage equality to all Americans with the Oberfell In office, Biden supporters were five times more likely than Trump supporters to say expanding marriage equality was good for society, with a split of 57% to 11%.

  • Regarding the more than 10 million immigrants without legal status in the United States, most Trump supporters – 63% – want “a national law enforcement effort to deport undocumented immigrants.” Among Biden supporters, that figure drops to 11%.

This trend held even when pollsters did not ask their questions in terms of race, sexual orientation, or documented status. When asked whether diversity makes the United States stronger or weaker, 82% of Biden supporters said it makes the country stronger, while only half (49%) of Trump supporters agree. of view and 19% of them say that diversity weakens the American position. It is…

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